SEOUL/TOKYO (Reuters) - North Korea fired a missile on
Friday that flew over Japan's northern Hokkaido far out into the Pacific Ocean,
South Korean and Japanese officials said, further ratcheting up tensions after
Pyongyang's recent test of a powerful nuclear bomb.
The missile flew over Japan, landing in the Pacific about
2,000 km (1,240 miles) east of Hokkaido, Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary
Yoshihide Suga told reporters in a hastily organized media conference.
"These repeated provocations on the part of North Korea
are impermissible and we protest in the strongest words," Suga said.
The unidentified missile reached an altitude of about 770 km
(480 miles) and flew 3,700 km (2,300 miles), according to South Korea's
military - far enough to reach the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam.
Last month, North Korea fired a missile from similar area
near the capital Pyongyang that also flew over Hokkaido into the ocean.
South Korea said it had fired a missile test into the sea to
coincide with North Korea's launch. The presidential Blue House has called an
urgent National Security Council meeting. Japan also convened a National
Security Council meeting.
The North's launch comes a day after the North threatened to
sink Japan and reduce the United States to "ashes and darkness" for
supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution imposing new sanctions against it
for its Sept. 3 nuclear test, its most powerful by far.
The North accuses the United States, which has 28,500 troops
in South Korea, of planning to invade and regularly threatens to destroy it and
its Asian allies.
Australia, a strong and vocal ally of the United States,
quickly condemned the launch.
"This is another dangerous, reckless, criminal act by
the North Korean regime, threatening the stability of the region and the world
and we condemn it, utterly," Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull
said in an interview with Sky News on Friday.
"This is a sign, I believe, of their frustration at the
increased sanctions on North Korea, recently imposed by the Security Council.
It's a sign that the sanctions are working."
The United Nations Security Council voted unanimously on a
U.S.-drafted resolution and a new round of sanctions on Monday, banning North
Korea's textile exports and capping fuel supplies.
The U.S. dollar fell sharply against the safe-haven yen and
Swiss franc in early Asian hours in response to the launch, though losses were
quickly pared in very jittery trade.
U.S. President Donald Trump has vowed that North Korea will
never be allowed to threaten the United States with a nuclear-tipped missile,
but has also asked China to do more to rein in its neighbor. China in turn favors
an international response to the problem. The United States and South Korea are
technically still at war with North Korea because the 1950-53 Korean conflict
ended with a truce and not a peace treaty.
(Reporting by Jack Kim and Christine Kim in Seoul and
Hideyuki Sano in Tokyo; Editing by Lincoln Feast)
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