STATEN ISLAND, New York: YouTube TV has announced a new app that will
make customers' streaming experiences easier.
The new YouTube TV app is designed for a variety of TV streaming
devices so viewers will no longer be forced to watch on their mobile device or
stream to their television via Google Chromecast.
In the next few days, the app will become available on Android TV
devices including NVIDIA SHIELD and TVs with Android TV built-in, as well as
Xbox One gaming consoles.
"It's about getting our service on as many platforms as possible
and making it accessible to as many consumers as possible however they like to
consume their content in the living room," Christian Oestlian, YouTube
TV's product management director, told Fortune.
The new app comes with a variety of new features, including allowing
you to pick up where you left off, even on a different device, and a
"background playback" that allows you to search channels while still
viewing your current program.
YouTube TV also recently implemented a new voice control feature that
works in conjunction with Google Home and Chromecast.
The company has also focused on improving the experience of sports
fans, adding a feature that allows viewers to view team's rosters and standings
when searching for sporting events.
The television streaming service costs US$35 a month for more than 40
channels, with a free trial available on the YouTube website. — Tribune News
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